My Video Market Report March 2023

My Video Market Report March 2023

So some blogs are written and some are videos or VLOGs. This is a report on how March 2023 seemed to have ended for Single Family Home Sales on 30a. Many of my followers have been watching these for now almost 3 years. You can trace them to today and I can say we are consistent. We look at the data and say what the data says not what we hope for. Reality is a good thing. Here is March 2023.
What you see is that single-family home sales unit volume is continuing a decline year over year which I first talked about in February of 2022. Then I mentioned it would be an 18-24 month negative comparison. Pricing, I suggested was rather steady. That has proven to be the case, but now we are at the change point. Let’s see what happens from here, but it is my view that buyers should be paying attention. Enjoy the 3-minute video.

Luxury Homes for your Family

the Jabbour Luxury Group

We are a team that believes in candor and good conversation. People work with people that they Know, Like and Trust. We want to be in a relationship that shares a mutual value for each other and who we are and why we are all doing what we do. We help people achieve life affirming goals.

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