Market Report 2023 Year End

Market Report 2023 Year End


The things that bring you constant value and usually involve people and people with you in places are your enjoyments. Family and family in homes is one the highest and best enjoyments we can have. Here is how 2023 was on 30a. Think about family.

Whether you’re gracing our shores for a leisurely weekend escape, are enjoying the comforts of your coastal retreat for an extended visit, live here immutably, or are entertaining the notion of a permanent residence, we hope the following pages will serve as a guide to your journey.

And, if you think a bit on this data, perhaps you will begin to see that it is family driving the numbers more than anything else now.


Luxury Homes for your Family

the Jabbour Luxury Group

We are a team that believes in candor and good conversation. People work with people that they Know, Like and Trust. We want to be in a relationship that shares a mutual value for each other and who we are and why we are all doing what we do. We help people achieve life affirming goals.

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